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  • 【第21题】OCP考试1Z0-071近期考试原题分享2019-05-23
  • 071考试原题分享-第21题、choose the best answer View the Exhibit and examine the description of the EMPLOYEES table. You want to calculate the total remuneration for each employee. Total remuneration is the sum of the annual salary and the percentage commission earned for a year. Only a few employees earn commission. Which SQL statement would you execute to get the desired output?.....详情
  • 【第22题】OCP考试1Z0-071近期考试原题分享2019-05-23
  • 071考试原题分享-第22题、choose the best answer: View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the CUSTOMERS table. CUSTOMER_VU is a view based on CUSTOMERS_BR1 table which has the same structure as CUSTOMERS table. CUSTOMERS needs to be updated to reflect the latest information about the customers. What is the error in the following MERGE statement? MERGE INTO customers c USING customer_vu ........详情
  • 【第23题】OCP考试1Z0-071近期考试原题分享2019-05-23
  • 071考试是OCP认证的一个重要科目,不少考生都在这里受伤,对此我们专门收集整理了近期071考试的原题,并对071题库进行了讲解,希望帮助大家顺利通过071考试。--------------------------------------------071考试原题分享-第23题、choose the best answer:You need to display the first names of all customers from the CUSTOMERS table that contain the character 'e' and have the character 'a' in the second last posi........详情
  • 【第24题】OCP考试1Z0-071近期考试原题分享2019-05-23
  • 071考试原题分享-第24题、choose the best answer: The user SCOTT who is the owner of ORDERS and ORDER_ITEMS tables issues this GRANT command: GRANT ALL ON orders, order_items TO PUBLIC; What must be done to fix the statement? A) ALL should be replaced with a list of specific privileges. B) WITH GRANT OPTION should be added to the statement. C) PUBLIC should be replaced with specific usernam........详情
  • 【第25题】OCP考试1Z0-071近期考试原题分享2019-05-23
  • 071考试原题分享-第25题、choose two: View the Exhibit and examine the data in the PRODUCT_INFORMATION table. Which two tasks would require subqueries? (Choose two.) A) displaying all supplier IDs whose average list price is more than 500 B) displaying the total number of products supplied by supplier 102071 and having product status OBSOLETE C) displaying all the products whose minimum list........详情
  • 【第26题】OCP考试1Z0-071近期考试原题分享2019-05-23
  • 071考试是OCP认证的一个重要科目,不少考生都在这里受伤,对此我们专门收集整理了近期071考试的原题,并对071题库进行了讲解,希望帮助大家顺利通过071考试。--------------------------------------------071考试原题分享-第26题、choose two:You executed the following CREATE TABLE statement that resulted in an error:SQL> CREATE TABLE employees(emp_id NUMBER(10) PRIMARY KEY,ename VARCHAR2(20),email NUMBER(3)........详情
  • 【第27题】OCP考试1Z0-071近期考试原题分享2019-05-23
  • 071考试原题分享-第27题、choose the best answer: View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the CUSTOMERS table. Evaluate the following SQL statement: SQL SELECT cust_city, COUNT(cust_last_name) FROM customers WHERE cust_credit_limit 1000 GROUP BY cust_city HAVING AVG(cust_credit_limit) BETWEEN 5000 AND 6000; Which statement is true regarding the outcome of the above query?.....详情
  • 【第28题】OCP考试1Z0-071近期考试原题分享2019-05-23
  • 071考试原题分享-第28题、choose two: View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the PRODUCTS table. Which two tasks would require subqueries? A) Display the minimum list price for each product status. B) Display the total number of products supplied by supplier 102 and have product status as 'obsolete'. C) Display all suppliers whose list price is less than 1000. D) Display the number o........详情
  • 【第29题】OCP考试1Z0-071近期考试原题分享2019-05-23
  • 071考试原题分享-第29题、choose the best answer: You need to produce a report where each customer's credit limit has been incremented by $1000. In the output, the customer's last name should have the heading Name and the incremented credit limit should be labeled New Credit Limit. The column headings should have only the first letter of each word in uppercase. Which statement would accomplish t........详情
  • 【第30题】OCP考试1Z0-071近期考试原题分享2019-05-23
  • 071考试原题分享-第30题、choose the best answer View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the SALES and STORES tables. You want to display the store name and the total quantity sold for each item in the store. Which SQL statement will give the required output? A) SELECT str.name, s1.items_id, SUM(s1.quantity) FROM sales s1 JOIN stores str ON (s1.store_id = str.store_id) GROUP BY str.nam........详情
  • 【第20题】OCP考试1Z0-071近期考试原题分享2019-05-22
  • 20.choose the best answer View the Exhibit and examine the data in the PROMOTIONS table. PROMO_BEGIN_DATE is stored in the default date format, dd-mon-rr. You need to produce a report that provides the name,cost,and start date of all promos in the POST category that were launched before January 1, 2000. Which SQL statement would you use? A) SELECT promo_name, promo_cost, promo_begin_date ........详情
  • 【第19题】OCP考试1Z0-071近期考试原题分享2019-05-22
  • 19.choose the best answer View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the PROMOTIONS table. Evaluate the following SQL statement: SQLSELECT promo_name,CASE WHEN promo_cost=(SELECT AVG(promo_cost) FROM promotions WHERE promo_category= 'TV') THEN 'HIGH' ELSE 'LOW' END COST_REMARK FROM promotions; Which statement is true regarding the outcome of the above query?.....详情
  • 【第18题】OCP考试1Z0-071近期考试原题分享2019-05-22
  • 18.choose the best answer View the Exhibits and examine the structures of the PRODUCTS, SALES, and CUSTOMERS tables. You issue the following query: SQLSELECT p.prod_id,prod_name,prod_list_price, quantity_sold,cust_last_name FROM products p NATURAL JOIN sales s NATURAL JOIN customers c WHERE prod_id =148; Which statement is true regarding the outcome of this query? A) It executes success........详情
  • 【第17题】OCP考试1Z0-071近期考试原题分享2019-05-22
  • 071考试是OCP认证的一个重要科目,不少考生都在这里受伤,对此我们专门收集整理了近期071考试的原题,并对071题库进行了讲解,希望帮助大家顺利通过071考试。--------------------------------------------17.choose the best answerView the Exhibit and examine the description of the EMPLOYEES table.Evaluate the following SQL statement:SELECT first_name, employee_id, NEXT_DAY(ADD_MONTHS(hire_date,6),1) "Review" F........详情
  • 【第16题】OCP考试1Z0-071近期考试原题分享2019-05-22
  • 16.choose two View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the PRODUCT_INFORMATION and INVENTORIES tables. You have a requirement from the supplies department to give a list containing PRODUCT_ID, SUPPLIER_ID, and QUANTITY_ON_HAND for all the products where in QUANTITY_ON_HAND is less than five. Which two SQL statements can accomplish the task? (Choose two.).....详情
  • 【第15题】OCP考试1Z0-071近期考试原题分享2019-05-22
  • 15.choose the best answer View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the ORDER_ITEMS table. Examine the following SQL statement: SELECT order_id, product_id, unit_price FROM order_items WHERE unit_price = (SELECT MAX(unit_price) FROM order items GROUP BY order_id); You want to display the PRODUCT_ID of the product that has the highest UNIT_PRICE per ORDER_ID. What correction should........详情
  • 【第14题】OCP考试1Z0-071近期考试原题分享2019-05-22
  • 071考试是OCP认证的一个重要科目,不少考生都在这里受伤,对此我们专门收集整理了近期071考试的原题,并对071题库进行了讲解,希望帮助大家顺利通过071考试。--------------------------------------------14.choose the best answerView the Exhibit and examine the data in EMP and DEPT tables.In the DEPT table, DEPTNO is the PRIMARY KEY.In the EMP table, EMPNO is the PRIMARY KEY and DEPTNO is the FOREIGN KEY refe........详情
  • 【第13题】OCP考试1Z0-071近期考试原题分享2019-05-22
  • 071考试是OCP认证的一个重要科目,不少考生都在这里受伤,对此我们专门收集整理了近期071考试的原题,并对071题库进行了讲解,希望帮助大家顺利通过071考试。--------------------------------------------13.choose the best answerWhich statement is true regarding the USING clause in table joins?A) It can be used to access data from tables through equijoins as well as nonequijoins.B) It can be used to join tabl........详情
  • 【第12题】OCP考试1Z0-071近期考试原题分享2019-05-22
  • 071考试是OCP认证的一个重要科目,不少考生都在这里受伤,对此我们专门收集整理了近期071考试的原题,并对071题库进行了讲解,希望帮助大家顺利通过071考试。--------------------------------------------12.choose the best answerEvaluate the following query:SQL> SELECT promo_name || q'{'s start date was \}' || promo_begin_dateAS "Promotion Launches"FROM promotions;What would be the outcome of the above que........详情
  • 【第11题】OCP考试1Z0-071近期考试原题分享2019-05-22